
Read Write Inc. (RWI) is used throughout Reception and Key Stage 1 to quickly teach children the key skills of reading. As soon as children enter The Pines Class, their RWI journey begins. Reading books are matched to the phonics that have been taught, so children bring home a book to reinforce their reading skills taught in school and they also bring home a book to read for pleasure. We subscribe to Oxford Owl online reading which gives children access to online versions of all the books and quizzes to complete as well.

RWI is used systematically to ensure the best possible progress is made. Children’s groups are monitored regularly by the RWI Lead, with assessments in place every six weeks.

Recommended Reads

Please find our recommended reads below for all year groups.

Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

Reading Record Expectations

It is expected that all children will read at home at least five times each week. All home reading should be recorded in your child's reading record. This can be as simple as an individual date, the book that has been read, as well as a comment about their reading.