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Governors for Schools Quality Mark

Sibsey Free Primary School

Paul Cartwright

Chair of Governors

Hi I’m Paul, I’ve been a manager in food retail for nearly 20 years. During that time, I have gained a lot of knowledge and life skills, which I bring to my role as a co-opted Governor. I feel that it is important to give something back to the local community, and my currently employer also supports me in this aim.

I grew up in the village and attended Sibsey Free Primary School myself as a pupil, although the school has change considerably since my time!

I am now on my second term of office as a governor at Sibsey and have had the honour of being the chair of the board for 4 years now. I am always keen to learn new skills, and I feel you don’t ever stop learning… volunteering as a governor certainly allows you to expand your knowledge base, and to give something back into your local community.

To be involved in the ‘’Sibsey Family’’ and supporting the school in my role is greatly rewarding and I enjoy every minute of my association with the school.

Richard Atterby

Hello, my name is Richard Atterby.

I have lived in Sibsey for nearly thirty years and am Boston born and bred.

Three of my Grandchildren attended Sibsey School and experienced a very happy period of learning during that time.

Once they had left, I decided that I could put a bit back into the school following their happy experiences and decided to become a Governor.

To be involved in this school’s success is an honour and I applaud everybody who has an input from Teachers, Support Staff and Governors in providing such a happy environment for children to learn.

Jo Ingle

Clerk to Governors

Christina Holmes

I am a retired Lincolnshire Headteacher and have been on Governing Bodies within both the Primary and Secondary Sector for many years. I have been Chair, and held many specific roles. Currently, I am responsible for child protection and safeguarding, curriculum, English and Maths


I have been a volunteer within the community for many years including member of the Patient Participation Group for Spilsby Surgery, ULHT Trust Member, Trustee on Spilsby Grammar School Foundation and a Parish Councillor. My main interest though has been the education of young people and being able to play a part in ensuring that they are given the best opportunities to flourish and grow in a safe environment which allows them to achieve their full potential and be happy.

Richard Stubley

I’ve always had an interest in education and completed a teaching degree in Primary Education with Early Years specialism. Since then, I’ve spent 14 years in education and training; developing curriculums, delivering in classrooms, and assuring education in a wide range of learning support roles.

My son loves being a pupil at Sibsey Free School, and I decided to volunteer time to support the school as a Governor. I have been on the Governing Body of Sibsey Free School since early 2021 as the Early Years link Governor and I recently took on the website assurance role. I really enjoy supporting the school and its staff to provide the best educational environment for all of the children, one that is recognised as being a brilliant place to learn and a welcoming community.

Graeme Wright


As the Headteacher at Sibsey Free Primary School, I am very privileged to work with such wonderful pupils, staff and parents in a very supportive and thriving local community. My role on the governing body is very rewarding.

Ashleigh Frankish

Staff Governor

Tom Ladds

I became a parent governor in October 2022. Our eldest son Wilfred has just started Pines class and my niece Rosie is in Oaks and my other niece Grace finished at Sibsey three years ago, so I have a fairly long connection with the school. We went out of our way to come to this school as we have always liked the strong sense of belonging the children develop here, being big enough to offer plenty of opportunities but small enough to make each child an individual part of the school.


I am a self-employed agricultural finance broker, and in the past worked in politics in the House of Commons before moving back up to Lincolnshire for a period working for the County Council. I have a strong interest in news and current events, enjoy getting a run in when time permits, am always distracted by passing agricultural machinery, and being outside is always my preference whatever the weather.


I can’t wait to help continue to build on the brilliant work Sibsey  Free Primary School does for its children and the community.


Joanne Hutson

My name is Jo Hutson and I am a past pupil of Sibsey Free Primary School.


I have lived in Sibsey almost all my life and have watched the school grow from strength to strength.  I have been a past chair of governors for several years under Mr Coote and am delighted to now be working with Mr Wright to help get the school recognised for the outstanding establishment we know it is.  I have worked in business finance and have also been a school administrator and a dance/drama/musical theatre teacher as well for over 30 years.


My 3 children have attended Sibsey school, all going forward to different grammar schools and all have/currently attended university studying diversely assorted degree courses.

Foundation Vacancy

Beverley Smith

Foundation Governor and Vice-Chair

I decided to become a governor following relocation from London to the village of Sibsey in the summer of the 2021 as I wished to actively contribute to my local community.  I was lucky enough to be able to become a governor of Sibsey Free Primary School in December 2021.

I have spent over 40 years working in various areas of childcare, education and health sectors of local government, voluntary sector/community services and the private sector. During my varied career I have obtained a variety of skills, knowledge and experience which I now hope to be able to channel in helping Sibsey Free Primary School reach its full potential.  

I have already been made to feel part of the wonderful environment within the school and believe that as a collective body we will be able to continue to build on the current effective child led environment that offers all its children a positive and secure foundation for their future.  

Register of Interest

Governor Attendance

Governor Information

Diversity Statement

Diversity is important and we want governing boards to be increasingly reflective of the communities they serve.


We encourage schools to collect and publish governing board members’ diversity data. Information

must be widely accessible to members of the school community and the public. Board members can opt out of sharing their information, including protected characteristics, at any given time including after publication.


Schools must ensure that individuals cannot be identified through the publication of data, particularly when board member levels are low. Read more about this in the data protection toolkit for schools and Equality Act 2010: advice for schools


There is no prescriptive way to collect diversity data from volunteers; this needs to be done on a voluntary basis. Schools may prefer to adopt a similar approach to how they collate the diversity data of pupils.