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We have places for 25 pupils in each year group. This is called our PAN (Published Admissions Number). Our policy for admissions, can be found on this link:

Lincolnshire County Council Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary School Admissions Policy

More information about admissions is below:

How do you apply for a place? (First Time Admissions)

From 2005, the Local Authority was required by law to coordinate admissions to primary schools. This has meant that application forms are the same for every school and parents apply directly to Admissions, Lincoln. Parents can collect an information pack from the local Primary School or can obtain one directly from County Offices, Lincoln, by phoning 01522 782030. Application forms are only available online at Parents must fill in just one application form on which they express up to three preferences. From these preferences parents are offered one place. The offers are made at slightly different times each year but the date can be found either on the website or in the Admissions Guide which is published every year. In this booklet you can find all the details you need when applying for a place in school. It is very important that you read this carefully.

All parents must fill in an application form, even if they want a place for their child in their local school and even if they have already given the child's name to a primary school.

When do you apply?

The County Admissions Team must receive your application by a date that is indicated in the application pack. Parents are encouraged to complete the form online. If you do not meet the deadline, it may not be possible to process your application at the same time as the others. This may mean that other children are considered ahead of your child.


Headteachers and education officers always do their best to make sure that your child goes to a school that suits him/her and pleases you but this is not always possible. If you are not satisfied with the school place your child has been given, you should first speak either to the Headteacher at your child’s school or to the Headteacher of the school to which you want your child to go to. If, after seeing the Headteacher, you still want to get the decision changed you should appeal online or contact the Education Team on 01522 782030 for a paper appeal form.

This will usually involve a special committee being set up by the county council - an Independent Appeals Committee. You have to write down on a special form your reasons for wanting your child to go to the school of your choice. These forms are available from the School Admissions Team and should be returned to the Admissions Appeal Clerk, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln, LN1 1YQ not to the school of your choice. You should make sure that it arrives before the date given in the letter which is sent to you.

Midyear Applications for Places

All parents requesting a midyear place for a child at our school will have to apply to the local authority using a midyear application form. Parents must apply on the form of the local authority where they live. For Lincolnshire this form can be downloaded from the internet (as above) or can be requested from the school admission team on 01522 782030. The school admission team will only consider midyear applications where an application form has been completed. If places are available and we can admit the child, the school admissions team will send an offer letter to parents. If the application is refused, the school admission team will notify parents of the appeal process and will send out relevant papers and guidance.