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Our Curriculum at Sibsey Free Primary School


Building knowledge is at the heart of our school curriculum. Knowing our pupils and knowing what we want them to be able to do by the time they move onto their next stage in learning drives all our decision making around curriculum.

At Sibsey, we have invested a great deal of time into exploring how best to take learning beyond the classroom. This helps pupils experience concepts in a number of different contexts and at a number of different points during their 7 years at primary school. This helps us to develop stronger links between knowledge over time.

We have three key drivers for our curriculum, which are explained in more detail below:

1 - Promoting an environment for lifelong healthy learning

Learning about our physical and emotional health are integral components to leading a happy and fulfilled life. Reflecting on things that have gone well and supporting changes that can be made are built into the structure of the curriculum. Finding out ways to stay safe online and in the real world are hugely important as well as learning how to share concerns and worries.

2 - Independent creative thinkers

Children are more successful when they learn to think for themselves, whether it is deciding on the right equipment to complete a task, using their initiative, knowing when to ask for help, reflecting on an activity or attempting problem-solving from a different angle. Self and peer-assessment is built into our teaching time throughout the school to help children to learn more about how to be independent thinkers. Creativity comes through having regular and varied opportunities for children to express themselves through different subjects.

3 - Aiming for the highest standards in all that we do

We always want to encourage children to do their best. Our school motto, chosen by parents, staff, governors and children is:

“Today you will be: kind, brave, brilliant, honest and yourself.”

Excellent attitudes are important, including encouraging children to set high aspirations for themselves and building in time for them to be able to consider the next stages of their learning journeys. Celebrating achievements of children encourages further development and being ambitious is crucial as children navigate their way through the key milestones of school life.