The ‘Sibsey Scale’
The Sibsey Scale was created by a team of three members of staff before the Coronavirus pandemic and was officially launched by the school staff in 2020 as a response to it. Recognising that children are, at different times, on different levels of the scale is important and that support, kindness, honesty, time and presence can be enough to reassure and guide young minds through times of concern. However, when further and more targeted support is needed, the scale helps staff to identify and signpost the right level of support. Making judgements and tracking pupils at key points - return after lockdowns and then milestone dates enables a cohesive and consistent support package for our pupils.
The Sibsey Scale has led to us starting a ‘Checking in Club’ which allows some of our children to arrive at school before their peers, get settled and get ready for the day. Children can listen to some music, have a breakfast snack, colour in a worry book and/or chat to their friends.
Our Headteacher, Graeme Wright was invited to the Schools Partnership Programme series “Heads at Home” to talk about The Sibsey Scale. Please find the video below.