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Welcome to Sibsey Free Primary School

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On behalf of everyone connected with Sibsey Free Primary School, the children, the staff, the Governors and parents, may I take this opportunity of welcoming you to our school website. 

Please take some time to navigate around the site and I hope you will find the information that you need. At Sibsey, we have high expectations and high hopes for all our pupils. We recognise that there is a lot of curriculum work to be completed but we also strive to value the importance of childhood as well. Please see our 50 Things To Do Before You Leave Sibsey section on the website.

If you have any questions that cannot be answered after visiting our website, or would like to talk to someone please do not hesitate to phone us on

01205 750335.

The Sibsey Free School website is managed and maintained by our staff and children with the support of governors and parents. The aim of this website is for us to provide a regular point of access for existing parents and to provide information for any visitors. 

Mr. G Wright