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Talk Together Time


This is an initiative that we have created at Sibsey and we are very proud of it! Every child is put into a team in September, with peers and friends from each year group. We have 13 teams, each with different names selected by the groups ranging from ‘The Fearless 14’ to ‘Team Thunder’.

Every Thursday morning at 10am, our pupils meet in their groups. Sessions range from drama games to debates and surveys, from teaching clock patience and other card games to craft and art activities. You can see in the photo above, the final game for one group before the end of a session was to work together to keep some balloons in the air and make sure the whole team communicated and touched the balloon! Having spoken to pupils, they really enjoy Talk Together Time and wouldn’t swap it back for a Thursday assembly!

It was lovely to recently host a group of Headteachers to visit the school and to provide a chance for other local schools to see Talk Together Time in action.